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Men's Fellowship


We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:00 PM for dinner in the foyer at Calvary Chapel Redding/Palo Cedro, followed by a time of worship and small discussion groups at 7:00 PM.


This year we are going through the book SUFFERING: Gospel Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense by Paul David Tripp.


We’d love for you to join us as we are looking forward to how God might use this in the lives of the men here at Calvary Chapel!  You can sign up for the study and purchase your book in the Calvary Chapel bookstore and if you have any questions regarding the study please feel free to contact the church office.

Women's Fellowship

We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month starting at 9:00 AM at Calvary Chapel Redding/Palo Cedro with a time of worship followed by our small group discussions and a time of refreshments and fellowship to close.  We also have an evening session at 7:00 PM in a home, please contact the office for address.


Though our Women’s Fellowship is not an in depth ‘Bible Study’; it is a fellowship that is centered on God, and promotes discussion and application of God in our lives, which I hope and believe will result in our hearts being knit together in Christian love; which I believe is of great need in the body of Christ.


Children's Ministry


We believe that parents, not churches, have the primary responsibility for the spiritual nurture of their children.


We want to partner with you in your God-given responsibility to raise your children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:4).

We believe that God chose you to teach your children, to train them, to impart biblical values to them, to discipline them, and to help them become the man or woman He has called them to be.


We want our children at Calvary Bible Church to become so saturated with the Word of God that they treasure Christ alone as the One who saves and satisfies the heart.


Youth Ministry

Six33’s goal is to model exactly that, a student who’s fixed on “seeking the kingdom of God first” for the glory of God.  Our desire is to see our students develop a worldview that is driven by a passion for Christ and the gospel.  We want a clear understanding and teaching of the gospel to be at the very core of every decision our students make in and out of the classroom. This must be the foundation that will be the guide and direction of their life as they move on into college, career, marriage, and child raising of their own.  


We want to come alongside the parents in discipling and leading these kids into a love relationship with Christ that supersedes any other priority in their lives.  


Our prayer is that as this happens, they will begin making decisions and developing relationships that would honor Christ out of a love and gratitude for the Savior that is only explained by God’s faithful directing grace in their lives.

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