Formerly Calvary Chapel Redding
Calvary Bible Nursery Ministry

Our goal in the Nursery Ministry is to provide the best loving care and the most comfortable, inviting atmosphere for your infant during their stay in our nursery so you may participate in the worship service knowing your infant is safe and well cared for.
If you have any questions regarding this ministry, please feel free to contact the church office.
Nursery Director's

Sunday Morning Children's Ministry

Here at Calvary Bible, we believe it is a great privilege and responsibility to come alongside our parents in nurturing and instructing our children in the Word of God.
As much as we are committed to the proclamation of the gospel and expositional teaching in our adult services, we think it is equally vital that our children are taught God's Word and learn the truth of the gospel.
We seek to do this through teaching the scriptures to our children at an age-appropriate level with what we believe are some of the best children's ministry curriculums available today.
We see this incredible privilege as an investment in our children's lives and, thus, the family and the local church.
Children's Directors

Bruce Andrew